Friday, March 5, 2010

Busy week

On Tuesday my 15 minutes of farm related stuff was spent with baby goats. They were just born that day and I managed to check everybody out and get one of the mamas corralled in with her own babies. The other doe was determined that all 5 belonged to her. Um no. You have 2 nipples you are not allowed to have 5 babies. Nice try.

Wed: I worked with the house plants today. Taking some cuttings and checking on my rose cutting that I started from a bouquet rose. It appears to be rooting but I'm not going to pull it out to check. Right now I'm just hoping for the best.

Thurs: Back out to the goat farm. Checked on the babies (they are CUTE) and worked with the fence to try to keep Dulce the pain in the arse escapist from getting out. She simply doesn't seem to care about the zott from the fence.

Friday: Headed back out to the farm to put more fence posts in. Hoping that this solves the escaping goat issue. We shall see. I sense a freezer in her future. And of course to play with the bebee goaters.

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