Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Farmy stuff

So we have homes for all the piglets as far as I can tell. There may be one or two that aren't picked up by Sat but I have a back up home for them and they will be very tasty some day :)

Mama goat lost her kid in July. :( It was a sad and difficult day. I was really hoping for a keeper girl from her. We'll see if I breed her again. I might.

I owe a nice debt of gratitude to a local grocery store that is saving veggies for me. Thank you to M at FL.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I am surprised that I am still surprised when I make my rounds and see the shocking waste of our current system. But yet in some ways I'm glad it is still there as I see how many people live off of the cast offs of that system. It's a catch 22 that I don't like.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring has sprung

The apple tree that has done fuck all for the past 6 years is COVERED in blossoms. The asparagus is up. The peeps are peeping. The hens and dogs are moulting. (I am very glad the Labradors aren't covered in feathers)

Building garden beds and hopefully a greenhouse. Goats are being goaty.