Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blog Redeux

My grand plan, HAHA, is to catalog a year of half-assed homesteading. What works for me, what doesn't, and what is a catastrophic failure. This will be while working, going to school starting this fall and generally attempting to do housework at least once a month. It should be interesting as I am definitely not a type A personality.

I'm starting with 15 minutes of farm activity every day and no less than 2 hours every week. Yes this seems light... Baby steps.

Today's task
Sorted all the seeds I forgot to plant in previous years. I tossed everything that said "packed for 2007" and earlier.

The keepers are in random order.
2 84g packages of Kentucky Wonder Green Beans
1 1 oz package of Alaska Peas
1 pk Chamomile
1 pk National Pickling Cucumber

Partial packets of
Lemon Basil
Sugar Snap Peas
Thai Basil

I started with 22 packages of seeds and am left with 11. Not the end of the world. I will use all the old seeds around the compost pile and anything that comes up can be harvested from there.

Need to acquire as seeds or plants:
Spinach, Tomatoes, Squash, Melon, Peppers, Eggplant, Onions, Potatoes (or I could plant the ones growing in my cabinet), Starflower (I want to make a wreath this year), Lavender, Zucchini, Carrots, Bamboo, um I think that is all.

Current Livestock: 3 goats Daisy (3-4 yr Nubian) Mama (8 yr Nubian - Great mom, has had twins or trips every time) Dulce (3-5yr Lamancha mix - No back history but currently bred to a Nigerian Dwarf. She's due late April.)

2 Labrador Mixes : Primus is a lab/pit/chow cross and was born in my car. He likes naps. Elsa is a lab/chaos cross and was found in a field. She likes couches and bunnies. For lunch.

Our living situation is kind of up in the air so I am boarding my goats at a friend's farm. She's SO thrilled with this :) Hoping to get everybody and a garden all in once place in the near future.

Goat news: Old Mama scratched her face somehow and is now on an antibiotic. My first time injecting a goat was interesting and I basically had to lash her to the gate to do it. She didn't care about the needle but damn if I was going to be allowed to pull on her skin. Funny old girl. Getting ready to do a CDT booster on everybody in another week or so. Trying to time it with Dulce's kidding but who knows when she was actually caught.

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